Time is running short for a Backabuddy campaign that will ensure full baboon monitoring services for December by NCC Environmental Services, with the imminent return of the baboons.
NCC (formerly Nature Conservation Corporation) has been awarded a one-month contract with the City, which covers 75% of the program’s running costs for December. This means they are faced with having to reduce the number of rangers on the ground by 25%.
"With your help, we can secure their employment for December and ensure their full services are provided to the communities currently covered by the program, which includes Kommetjie. Your contribution will help prevent local unemployment, while benefitting you, your community, local tourism and baboon conservation," says the post on Backabuddy.
NCC says that none of the proceeds will be used for NCC profit.
The Kom representatives on the Cape Peninsula Baboon Advisory Group (CPBAG) for the Slangkop Troop (SK1) are Bev Stevens for the De Oudeweg Area and Steve White for Kommetjie in respect of the Ratepayer groups in these areas.
Steve says that recently, the SK1 troop were in the area around De Oudeweg and Capri, but would be back. "If they follow last year’s pattern, it will be by the end of December," he said.
He said that there was a lull in official activity, and that the CPBAG was yet to meet, "presumably because of a pending court case against members of the Joint Task Team (JTT) that is being brought by Ryno Engelbrecht et al in an attempt to compel the JTT, SanParks, CapeNature and the City of Cape Town to implement the strategic initiatives identified by members of the JTT, which have not been properly acted upon by these members."
In the meantime, there will be monitors for December, albeit underfunded. This will result in fewer monitors per area. We are still waiting for the results of a tender for Baboon Management for 2025. This tender is out on a ‘month to month' basis.
What the city is putting forward is that additional funding for the monitoring program will be sought from affected communities and a wider donations pool.
"All I can advise at this stage is to be ‘baboon aware’. Where your house can be baboon proofed, do this. Baboon proof your bins yourself as the city does not have a ready supply of these bins. From a recent survey we know that around 30% of bins in Kommetjie are not baboon proofed," White said. "All gardens are attractants for baboons but more so when there are wonderful fruits and veggies to be had."
"Belong to WhatsApp baboon notification groups and close up your properties when baboons are in your neighbourhood. Remember that baboons are able to move very quickly across our terrain."
"My job, as a Baboon Advisory Group member, will be to represent the collective democratic view of the Kommetjie Residents and Ratepayers at the CPBAG and not my own view. I am very open to all views and will listen to all parties.
"My thought is for us, as a community, is to strike a balance between human rights and baboon conservation and protection. This may result in some unpopular decisions being taken. My hope is that all decisions will be informed decisions based on a balance of principles which are informed by science.
"Feel free to contact me directed on 082 494 3732 or via email at stevewhite@mweb.co.za"
Above is the latest resource pack that I have. It may be freely distributed.