The City of Cape Town's Public Lighting Development division invites Kommetjie residents to a meeting at Fish Hoek Civic Centre on Tuesday 3 December where it will present information on street lighting and will answer your questions.
The Public Lighting Development division receives requests for public road and street lighting across the Metro. These requests are assessed based on the City's mandate to provide public lighting, City policies, and applicable lighting quality standards.
We invite you to join us at a meeting where we will present information on street lighting and address any technical questions raised by the community.
Historically, Kommetjie has not received residential road or streetlights due to the residents’ desire for Kommetjie to remain predominately unlit.
The department accepts that requirements change over time and that the City has to adapt where a need for change has been verified. We are proposing one of the following options for public lights in Kommetjie:
Option 1: The status quo will remain with a mostly unlit environment and only some of the major roads or streets will be lit. No ad-hoc residential lighting requests will be accepted or approved for installation going forward.
Option 2: Residents’ ad-hoc requests for lighting will be accepted. Upon approval, the entire road or street in question will be lit. Applications for individual lights in a road or street will not be entertained.
In terms of section 17 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000, you can submit comments and recommendations to the municipality in respect of the proposed public lighting.
Access the documents:
18:30 - 19:30
Tuesday 3 December
Fish Hoek Civic Centre, Central Circle
Click to download PDF of invitation