To everyone who put their The Story of Kommetjie purchase on the back burner, there are less than 80 copies of our second print run left, and we will not be printing a third edition.
At only R650, this is a cool way for you to contribute to various charity and non-profit organisations in Kommetjie and in our valley, and to have a coffee table book for your friends and guests to peruse.
All profit from the sale of the books is ploughed back into the community.
To get your copy WhatsApp Duke Metcalf on 082 802 8656 or email him at komduke@gmail.com before we are sold out.
Previous benefactors include Komwatch, NSRI, Soetwater Environment Centre, KRRA, Kommetjie Library and various Ocean View and Valley projects.
Our income and expenditure report is open to scrutiny by any interested parties.