We were over the moon when our group was joined by five new members after the KRRA AGM in May, bringing new skills and interests to the existing mixture. These new members have attended one of our fortnightly meetings where we got to know one another better.
The Social Fabric group will work on the following goals during the next year:
Work with KomWatch on a fundraiser for both KomWatch and the KRRA, as both these groups share the same members. We will also look at other ways of supporting them, including the formulation of a framework to help residents resolve some security issues themselves.
Submit a request to the Far South Sub Council for a safe walkway between Ocean View and Kommetjie as a matter of urgency. This will be done in cooperation with the Road Safety Subcommittee.
Submit a request to the City of Cape Town for the name Jacobs Avenue to be changes to Jacob Daniels Avenue.
Host several “get-to-know-each-other” dinners in our village to build social cohesiveness.
Organise a bring and share picnic to which we invite residents of both Kommetjie and Ocean View to promote more interaction with our neighbours.
Meet the Ocean View Civic Association and express our support for their efforts.
Anyone interested in our activities or wanting to join us may contact us on socialfabric@kommetjie.org